Celebrating Menasha's
150th Anniversary!

Let's Celebrate!
The purpose of the sesquicentennial celebration for Menasha, Wisconsin is to actively engage our community and visitors from other communities.
Activities throughout 2024 will highlight Menasha's past and present while projecting a future vision of Menasha as "Your Place on the Water".

Vision & Mission
Achieve and enhance public identity locally and beyond as a welcoming, proudly innovative and desirable community.
Initiate progressive partnerships with city stakeholders and residents, non-profit organization and companies, including neighboring municipalities.
Develop new opportunities to experience and enjoy our distinctive recreational attributes of the Fox River and its Lake Winnebago source.

Without the following volunteers, our events would not be possible!
Sesquicentennial Committee Members:
Sarah Bauer - Sesquicentennial Committee Chairperson
George Davis - Event Committee Chairpersonrg
Shirley Heinz - Menasha Historical Society
Walt Ulbricht - Marketing
Carol Sturm - Menasha Joint School District Liaison
Event Leads:
Tom Grade - Art Exhibit at the Aylward Gallery
Anastasia Horan - Menasha Business Liaison
Jacy Park - Button Hunt Coordinator. Sesquicentennial Website Builder.
Brian Kopetsky - Menasha Trivia Challenge.
Amber Hammond - Social Media Promoter
Jason Lipsky - Celebrate Menasha Planner
Alderman Austin Hammond - Committee attendee, event volunteer.
Laurie Knaus - Committee attendee.
Alderman Randy Ropella - Committee attendee, event volunteer
Alderman Stan Sevenich - Committee attendee, event volunteer.
Josh School - Trivia contact volunteer.

1.5.2024 - Neenah News. Menasha ready to mark 150 years. LINK HERE.
1.9.2024 - Appleton Post Crescent. Menasha turns 150 years old and celebrates the achievement with contests and parties. LINK HERE
2.13.2024 - The Post-Crescent. Oshkosh Brewery resurrects Walter Bros. Gold Label Beer. LINK HERE
2.29.2024 - The Post-Crescent. Menasha timeline: City celebrates 150 years as "Your Place on the Water". LINK HERE
3.5.2024 - The Post Crescent. "City of Menasha celebrates is 150th anniversary with a time machine proclamations and cake." LINK HERE
1.3.2024 - NBC26.com - Let the Button Hunt begin! Menasha's Sesquicentennial celebrations kick off. LINK HERE
2.4.2024 - WeAreGreenBay.com - City of Menasha Hosts Puzzle Contest. - CLICK HERE
3.5.2024 - TWAQ 1360 AM - 97.5 FM - Menasha celebrates 150 years as a city with community birthday bash - CLICK HERE
3.5.2024 - Channel 5 News - Menasha celebrates 150th birthday - CLICK HERE
1.26.2024 - WHBY Focus Fox Valley. Menasha's Sesquicentennial Celebration. LINK HERE